11/9/15 - New Fan Art!... Sort of...
Two of my daughters (and granddaughter) dressed as the fairies Summer and Fall from The Warlock Is Missing.  Read the blog post The Story of the Fall Fairy for the full behind-the-scenes story.
          Elea and Gen as Summer and Fall fairies   My granddaughter Grace in the Fall Fairy costume

11/25/15 - Wizard in War cover! Wizard in War ebook cover art
Ashley Cser designed this cover based on a 1960s anti-war poster.  Can you find the hidden peace sign?
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12/5/15 - New Warlock Fan Art!Father McGee fan art by Hannah Shapero
Hannah "Pyracantha" Shapero drew this sketch of Morris McGee, Father-General of the Order of St. Vidicon.  Note the Engineer's Tools in his coverall pocket, and his Holy iPad with the Sacred Text Message.  You can see more of her work at her sketch blog.

1/4/16 - Wizard in Peace cover art! Wizard in Peace propaganda poster Wizard in Peace ebook cover art
In Ashley Cser's new cover, the poster Gar slashed was based on Soviet-era propaganda images, and is clever enough for a closer look!  Click for larger image.