2/1/16 - New Warlock Insane cover art! The Warlock Insane ebook cover art
The new cover art by Steven Gilberts goes for a dark, spooky take on insanity.  Look closely, and you'll see things from the book, like kobolds, dragons, Brume's crumbling castle, the tentacled moat moster that guarded it, and Vampire Fess.
(click picture for larger image)

3/7/16 - Warlock's Companion cover art! The Warlock's Companion ebook cover art
In addition to the robot horse Fess, Hannah Shapero's new cover art for the Companion ebook contains elements from the novel like the aristocratic palaces on the asteroid Maxima, and the sports-spacecar that was Fess's first "body."  You can read more about it at Hannah's Art Blog.

4/17/16 - New Rogue Wizard cover art! A Wizard in Chaos ebook cover art
Ashley Cser's new Wizard in Chaos cover tries to capture planet Durvie's post-apocalyptic anarchy and chaos with graffiti art.  Look through the hole in the wall, and you'll see the Fair Folk charging out of their Hollow Hill to the besieged city of Quilichen.

7/12/16 - Updated Map of Gramarye! Updated Map of Gramarye
While cleaning my office, I stumbled across this more detailed map of Gramarye I forgot I made.  Apparently I changed "St. Vidicon's Wall" to "Markone's Wall," although I have no idea why.  I'm sure there was a story behind it, but I'm afraid I don't remember now.
(click picture for larger image)