« Introduction to Uncle Merl's Bar & GrillMeeting the Dead Dog »


Comment from: Steve [Visitor]

Hiya Chris,

glad to see that you’re still writing both stories and the occasional blog.

Look forward to continuing to read your stuff.

Best wishes


02/11/11 @ 08:07
Comment from: Ron Hathcock [Visitor]
Ron Hathcock

I’m glad to see you on the Internet! I discovered your works through a book club over 20 years ago and have a fair number of them on my shelves.

I was a trucker until my health collapsed (as did I with a SCA), now I’m taking a clue from your books and getting into chaplaincy (one quarter to go!)

I hope to see much more of your work through this site and perhaps in print as well… I’m hardly a technophobe, but I prefer books I can read in bed without worrying about wires, batteries, or dropping them off the edge of the bed when I do fall asleep!

07/27/11 @ 19:24